Plans for On-Demand Worker Businesses of all sizes

Enterprise & Healthcare
Unlimited workers & administrators
AI-Powered scheduling
Specialized for on-demand workers
Digital time card & signatures
Compliant with local, state, and federal laws
Integrates with major payroll providers
Worker Management
Worker reviews & ratings
Worker history & notes
Document management signing & tracking
Unlimited email stellar support
On-demand training materials
White glove onboarding
Enterprise Feautres
Personalized account reviews
Advanced reporting
Fully customizable features
Unlimited workers & administrators
AI-Powered scheduling
Specialized for deskless workers
Digital Time Card & Signatures
Compliant with local, state, and federal laws
Integrates with Major Payroll Providers
Worker Management
Worker Reviews & Ratings
Worker History & Notes
Document Management Signing & Tracking
Unlimited Email Stellar Support
On-Demand Training Materials
White Glove Onboarding
Enterprise Feautres
Personalized Account Reviews
Advanced Reporting
Fully Customizable Features
Enterprise & Healthcare
Unlimited workers & administrators
AI-Powered scheduling
Specialized for deskless workers
Digital Time Card & Signatures
Compliant with local, state, and federal laws
Integrates with Major Payroll Providers
Worker Management
Worker Reviews & Ratings
Worker History & Notes
Document Management Signing & Tracking
Unlimited Email Stellar Support
On-Demand Training Materials
White Glove Onboarding
Enterprise Feautres
Personalized Account Reviews
Advanced Reporting
Fully Customizable Features

Savings calculator

Сalculate how much time you can save by using Roosted

Hours spent scheduling per week
Time Savings:
Hours saved
Contact sales

Everything you need to manage your on-demand workforce

Employee app interface for tracking time, availability, and event attendance.
Effortless Workforce Management

On-demand staff can track their time, availability and event attendance directly within the employee app.

Graph showing worker performance metrics over time.
Worker Performance Tracking

Track worker performance and use this historical data to effectively plan and staff future events.

List of staff members with their credentials displayed.

Keep track of multiple credentials for each individual staff member to ensure proper staffing and coverage.

Eliminate the scheduling chaos with Roosted.

Reduce the amount of time, people and effort it takes schedule and manage your ad-hoc employees

Illustration of Workers Chat interface.
Illustration of a New Event setup.

Let’s Talk

Effortless scheduling starts here.

We respect your privacy. Your information will only be used for your request and relevant updates. We will never share or sell your data. You can opt out at any time. By submitting, you consent to Roosted processing your information per our Privacy Policy. You can opt out at any time.

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