Production companies

You live in world where everyone is freelance. That's great for a lot of things but organization isn't one of them. Roosted handles all of your crew schedules, making sure everyone is on set, at call time.  

Photo of event production worker.

Lock down your crew schedules

All aboard! Get your workers started fast

Don't stress about onboarding. Send your crew a link to your Roosted scheduling portal and we'll take it from there.

Stop feeling sidelined by scheduling

Coverting to Roosted makes the average company 84% faster, giving you more time to spend on the rest of the business.

Get the right workers for the job

Whether you have one gig, or 20, Roosted will balance your workers evenly, making sure you have the right crew in place.

Analyze attendance trends effortlessly

Understand workforce dynamics with detailed insights provided by Roosted.

We understand your world

Roosted is a proven turn-key scheduling and time tracking solution for event companies. We know your challenges.

Effortless scheduling and managing of your on-demand workforce.

Graphic of a chat between workers in the Roosted app.
Graphic showing details of a new event in Roosted.

A case study in performance tracking — a stage labor company

Before implementing Roosted

2580 roster

Part and full-time workers: Hands, Riggers, Forks, Aerial Cams and more.

35% overstaff

On some days additional staff was picked up because the overstaff was not enough to guarantee required staff.

Approximately 8 weeks after implementation

1863 roster

A part of the roster wasn't as active or dependable as previously thought.

10% overstaff

Thanks to performance tracking, Check in Bot, and SMS reminders, late arrivals and no shows dropped by 75%. Roosted allowed this company to keep their shifts less overstaffed by tracking performance.

Case study: a 90% improvement in sixty days

This stage labor company had struggled with its performance tracking as it grew larger.  The worker history was tracked in Excel and worker write ups. While this worked some of the time, not all workers would have an accurate worker history, and no shows were sometimes missed for a couple shows in a row before being removed. The busier they were, the more attendance problems they’d have, at exactly the wrong time. Since using Roosted, they have been able to reduce the time wasted on overstaffing, verifying staff, and getting last minute covers by 87%.

Solution driven performance

We understand and solve all of your scheduling issues


Sometimes we need certain people, other times it's open.


Roosted is extremely flexible. We have multiple workflows that can mix-and-match to fit your style.  Each workflow is designed to help you be as efficient as possible, while meeting your unique event needs.


We need help tracking hundreds of part-time workers.


Roosted provides performance tracking which includes easy to understand stats so you know who your best workers are. Workers can also upload selfies when required which helps with recognition.


Keeping our staff informed of changes to the schedule is tough.


Roosted includes a number of communication tools to help you communicate with your workers in the most effective way. Whether the update affects a small segment of a team, or everyone on an event, our platform gets the message out.


Payroll for all our workers takes too much time.


Our time tracking suite flag issues in real-time for quick resolution, making payroll easy. Advance rules ensure accurate pay rates and we integrate with most major payroll systems. Get ready to drastically reduce the time you spend on payroll.

Eliminate the scheduling chaos with Roosted.

Reduce the amount of time, people and effort it takes schedule and manage your ad-hoc employees

Illustration of Workers Chat interface.
Illustration of a New Event setup.

Let’s Talk

Effortless scheduling starts here.

We respect your privacy. Your information will only be used for your request and relevant updates. We will never share or sell your data. You can opt out at any time. By submitting, you consent to Roosted processing your information per our Privacy Policy. You can opt out at any time.

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